Monday, November 21, 2011

“I Choose Not to Participate In That!”

Our Vice President of Agency Development, Marty Walsh, is becoming well-known within GWC for his quick wit and snappy comebacks.  My favorite of Marty’s golden nuggets is a response he learned years ago whenever someone complained about the tough economy:  “I choose not to participate in that!”

What a great and self-fulfilling attitude!  And it’s worth keeping top of mind as we all continue to grapple with the ongoing “Great Recession.”  In fact, more than a few of GWC’s Dealer Consultants have done just that.  In a market that on a year-to-date basis has seen used vehicle sales by Independent dealers increase by 5% (or well below the 12+% forecasts we saw at the beginning of the year), many of our Dealer Consultants have “chosen not to participate” in the doom and gloom:

·         Cindy H. has taken her sales in a market where we added several DCs up by almost 75%!

·         Becky E. has grown her “mature” market up by almost 50%!

·         Dominic L. moved into an underserved territory and has expanded it by about 45%!

·         Jim J., Ruthie S., Sal R. and Kent N. have all taken their existing markets up by 30+% this year!

I could go on and on; in fact, these high performers are among a large cadre of top sellers who are successfully demonstrating to dealers across the country that GWC’s products and people add tremendous value to their businesses.

The next time someone tells you that the economy is tough, think about our great GWC sales team, including the champs listed above, and tell them “I choose not to participate in that!”