Happy New Year! It's already 2012 and time for Resolutions, which I make sporadically and keep haphazardly! However, this year there area few areas I HAVE to improve in.
First, I resolve to stop swearing. This has been an ongoing vice for me but it has really gotten ugly lately. If only certain expletives weren't so versatile; what other words can serve as nouns, verbs AND adjectives, sometimes in the same phrase? Regardless, I've got to stop, probably cold turkey. I somehow managed to raise the two older kids without infecting them, but I fear for my 8-year-old, who is much more impressionable!
So, if you're reading this and you know me, please help me by administering any necessary admonishments when I slip up. You'll be doing all of us a favor.
Second, I resolve to slow down, particularly when driving. After three speeding tickets in the past two years (Steve from Allstate, please be merciful: Nobody got hurt except my pride!), I need to become one of those drivers that dawdles down the road in front of you causing you to wonder "What in the heck is wrong with him?" (Notice how I worked Resolution 1 into that last sentence?) It's either that or risk becoming a permanent passenger with Jeanette or Chris as we head down the mountain to work, and nobody wants that.
What Am I Reading?